An assessment of the STP: Health and Social Care at risk in Cornwall

This post provides access to a recent publication by West Cornwall HealthWatch, a campaigning ‘watchdog’ group which aims to safeguard and improve services provided in West Cornwall by the National Health Service. Its own website is here.

5 January 2017

Health and Social Care at risk in Cornwall is an assessment of the Sustainability and Transformation Plan for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, published in late 2016 by the ‘Transformation Board’, a body which comprises all the leaders from the major public sector health and care organisations, including NHS Kernow (Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group), Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Cornwall Council. The assessment can be downloaded here in pdf format.

The official publications, including the draft Outline Business Case and an ‘engagement document’, Taking Control, Shaping Our Future, can currently be found here.